is shrimp halal

Kamran Khan
کامران خان


Is shrimp halal?

Summary of Answer

Based on the information from my knowledge source, I don’t have specific details regarding the ruling on shrimp. However, general Islamic dietary laws can be applied to determine if shrimp is halal or haram.


In Islamic dietary law, the permissibility of seafood in general can be derived from the principles outlined in the Quran and Hadith. The Quran states that the consumption of seafood is generally permissible. This is based on the interpretation of the verse: “Lawful to you is what you catch from the sea…” (Quran 5:96). However, the specifics about which types of seafood are permissible can vary among Islamic scholars and schools of thought.

Shrimp, being a type of seafood, is generally considered halal by the majority of scholars, particularly within the Hanafi school of thought. They categorize shrimp as a type of fish, and hence, permissible to eat. However, some other schools may have different interpretations, and it’s always best to consult with a knowledgeable scholar or a reliable source of Islamic jurisprudence pertaining to your particular school of thought.

Ruling on Haram Substances in Food and Drink

While I don’t have specific information on shrimp, it’s important to consider that for any food or drink to be halal, it must not contain haram substances, as outlined in Islamic law. This includes avoiding alcohol, blood, pork, or meat not slaughtered according to Islamic rites. In the case of seafood like shrimp, the focus is primarily on whether it is categorized as a permissible type of sea creature.

And Allah knows best.

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