क्या डिंपल सर्जरी इस्लाम में हराम है? (सब साफ)

Kamran Khan
कामरान खान

In recent years, cosmetic surgeries have become increasingly popular, with individuals seeking to enhance their physical appearance. Among these procedures, dimple surgery stands out for its unique goal: creating dimples on the cheeks, a feature many find charming. However, within the diverse tapestry of religious beliefs, the question arises: is dimple surgery Haram (forbidden) in Islam? Let’s navigate this complex topic and shed light on the ethical considerations within the Islamic framework.

Understanding Dimple Surgery

Dimple surgery, technically known as dimpleplasty, is a cosmetic procedure where a small incision is made in the cheek, creating an artificial dimple. People opt for this surgery to achieve a more youthful or attractive appearance, aiming to emulate a natural genetic trait.

Islamic Perspective on Cosmetic Surgery

Islamic teachings emphasize the preservation of one’s natural body and discourage altering it unnecessarily. Scholars often refer to the concept of altering Allah’s creation, which raises ethical concerns about cosmetic surgeries, including dimple surgery. The Quran mentions in Surah Ar-Rum (30:30): “So direct your face toward the religion, inclining to truth. [Adhere to] the fitrah of Allah upon which He has created [all] people…”

This verse underscores the idea that Allah’s creation is perfect and should be respected and preserved. Cosmetic surgeries that alter one’s natural appearance can be viewed as contravening this principle.

Different Perspectives

It’s essential to note that opinions on cosmetic surgeries, including dimple surgery, vary among Islamic scholars. Some argue that if the surgery aims to correct a deformity or restore a person’s confidence after an accident, it might be permissible. Others maintain that altering one’s body without a valid medical reason could be considered Haram.

Consulting Scholars for Guidance

In Islamic ethics, intentions play a significant role. If a person’s intention behind undergoing dimple surgery is to enhance their self-esteem or confidence without infringing upon Islamic principles, some scholars might consider it permissible. However, this nuanced interpretation requires careful consideration and consultation with knowledgeable religious authorities.


In the realm of dimple surgery and Islam, there’s no definitive answer applicable to all situations. The permissibility of such cosmetic procedures hinges on individual intentions, medical necessity, and the ethical stance of the religious scholar consulted. It is crucial for individuals contemplating dimple surgery or any cosmetic procedure to seek guidance from qualified Islamic scholars. Their insights can help navigate the fine line between personal choices and adherence to Islamic principles.

Understanding the complexities of dimple surgery in Islam requires a nuanced approach that respects both individual agency and religious teachings.

लोग यह भी पढ़ें:  क्या जबड़े की सर्जरी इस्लाम में हराम है? (सब साफ)

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