Is Vanilla Extract Halal

Kamran Khan
Kamran Khan


Is vanilla extract halal?

Summary of Answer

Eating vanilla extract is permissible even though it was mixed with alcohol during its preparation. This permissibility is based on two reasons: 1) alcohol is not najis (impure) in a physical sense, and 2) the alcohol does not have any effect on the vanilla extract, as it does not intoxicate the consumer or leave an effect when eaten.


Vanilla extract is derived from the vanilla plant, known botanically as planifolia, and is used to flavor various foods including chocolate, ice cream, pancakes, and sweets. The process of making vanilla extract involves steeping the seeds in alcohol and water. Despite this, the consumption of vanilla extract is considered permissible in Islamic jurisprudence for the following reasons:

  1. Alcohol is Tahir (Pure): From an Islamic perspective, alcohol is not considered najis (impure) in a physical sense. Rather, it is deemed tahir (pure). This means that its presence in vanilla extract does not render the extract impure or unlawful.
  2. No Intoxicating Effect: When consuming vanilla extract, the individual does not become intoxicated, nor is any effect of alcohol observed. The preparation process ensures that any alcohol present diminishes and leaves no trace in the final product. Therefore, consuming vanilla extract is not considered haram (forbidden).

Ruling on Haram Substances in Food and Drink

The Islamic Organization for Medical Sciences has addressed the issue of haram substances in food and drink. They concluded that alcohol is not impure according to shari‘ah, and it is permissible to consume food substances that use a small amount of alcohol in their manufacture, particularly when the alcohol evaporates during the manufacturing process and does not leave an intoxicating effect.

And Allah knows best.

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