is lobster halal

Kamran Khan
Kamran Khan


Is lobster halal?

Summary of Answer

Based on my knowledge source, I don’t have specific information regarding the ruling on lobster in Islam. The permissibility of consuming lobster may vary depending on different Islamic scholars and schools of thought.


In Islamic dietary law, the permissibility of consuming various types of seafood, including lobster, can be subject to interpretation and may vary among scholars and Islamic schools of thought. Generally, the Quran states that seafood is permissible, as mentioned in the verse: “Lawful to you is what you catch from the sea…” (Quran 5:96). However, the specifics about certain types of seafood, like lobster, can be differently interpreted.

Some Islamic scholars and schools of thought, particularly within the Hanafi school, consider only fish to be halal and exclude shellfish such as lobsters, crabs, and shrimps. Other scholars and schools of thought, including Shafi’i and Maliki, are more permissive and consider all types of seafood, including lobster, to be halal.

Ruling on Haram Substances in Food and Drink

While I don’t have specific information on lobster, it’s important to consider that for any seafood to be halal, it must not contain or be contaminated with haram substances, as outlined in Islamic law. This includes ensuring that the seafood is not prepared or cooked with ingredients that are forbidden in Islam, such as alcohol or pork products.

As always, for definitive guidance on specific dietary laws, it’s recommended to consult with a knowledgeable Islamic scholar or a reliable source of Islamic jurisprudence that aligns with one’s school of thought.

And Allah knows best.

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