is turkey halal

Kamran Khan
Kamran Khan


Is turkey halal?

Summary of Answer

Based on Islamic dietary laws, turkey is considered halal if it is slaughtered and prepared in accordance with Islamic guidelines.


Turkey, as a type of poultry, is generally permissible to eat in Islam. The key factor that determines whether turkey or any other meat is halal is the method of slaughter and processing. According to Islamic law, the animal should be slaughtered by a Muslim, who must pronounce the name of Allah at the time of slaughter. The method involves cutting the throat, windpipe, and the blood vessels in the neck, causing the animal’s death without cutting the spinal cord. Afterward, the blood should be completely drained from the veins.

This process is known as “Zabihah” and is crucial for the meat to be considered halal. Additionally, the animal must have been alive and healthy at the time of slaughter. It is also important that the meat is not contaminated with haram substances, such as pork or alcohol, during preparation, processing, or cooking.

Ruling on Haram Substances in Food and Drink

It is important to ensure that no haram substances are used in the preparation, seasoning, or cooking of the turkey. For example, dishes prepared with alcohol or lard would render the turkey haram. Adhering to these guidelines is essential for ensuring that the turkey remains halal.

And Allah knows best.

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